Soccer Sneak Peek {Sports Photography-Black Diamond, Turner Valley}

I’ve captured three shoots of Soccer Photos for the Oilfields Soccer Teams in Black Diamond so far, with a few left to go.

Sports photography is not typically my thing, but kids portraits are, and so far this has been a lot of fun!

To the U6 teams from Saturday, all I can say is you guys are soooo cute! Seriously, as I was choosing the best individual photo of each team member, I was saying to myself how sweet you all are, and loving the great smiles you all have. 

U8 kids from Monday night, you guys were cracking me up so much! What a fun bunch! Did you all eat silly beans for supper, before coming to Soccer practice? Despite all of your antics, and the required silly pose for each team photo, I had a lot of fun with you guys, and I have some great individual portraits of each of you. Water Tower Park at that time of day was working quite well for lighting. 

Here’s hoping this rain to let up by this evening for tonight’s Soccer pictures in Turner Valley. 

Here are a few sneak peeks from Saturday’s shoot. Thanks to you Mamas who allowed me to use these images:) Enjoy!

U6_Soccer-30-Edit U6_Soccer-411 U6_Soccer-421

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