Sweet Senior Session

Wednesday evening’s session with Kristen was a lot of fun. We captured some on location Senior’s Portraits of her, on her parent’s ranch located in the foothills, between Bragg Creek, and Millarville.

This red haired beauty was totally in her element, as we hiked around the ranch, climbing onto bales, opening cattle gates, ducking through barbed wire fences, and visiting the horses-she is very much a county girl at heart. With her love of animals, the outdoors, her shy sense of humour, and down-to-earth demeanour, Kristen is a real pleasure to work with.

As such, we focused on capturing natural, county girl portraits of Kristen. I was grateful for her mom’s assistance as she hung out with us, offering suggestions, holding my reflector, and bringing out Kristen’s best smiles, by making her laugh.

Kristen is in her Graduating year of High School. I’m hoping her Senior Portraits will be for her, a great way to celebrate this time and place in her life. A way to celebrate her quiet confidence, and pay tribute to how her outer beauty matches her inner beauty.

I’m hoping Kristen’s Portraits will inspire other High School Seniors to celebrate their uniqueness, and this amazing, special year of their life, with a custom Seniors Session-Tailored just for them.


Okotoks Grad High School Seniors Session Kristen_G-73tw Kristen_G-166 Kristen_G-249tw2 Okotoks Grad High School Seniors Session

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