Western Fashion Shoot

A Country and Western Fashion Shoot in Okotoks

Happy throwback Thursday. Here’s some Wild West inspired, Country Fashion photography, featuring the handmade jewelry of artist and designer, Maureen Janssens, of Buffalo Girl Studio.

Our goal was to create a fashion shoot with a look and feel similar to what you’d see in the Style pages of the magazine, Cowboys & Indians, to showcase her American Southwest style jewelry.

Fortunately for us, Bernie Brown of the Boot Hill Gallery in Okotoks allowed us to use his Gallery for our shoot, which couldn’t have been more perfect.

The Boot Hill Gallery features Bernie Brown’s popular western themed pencil drawing art, as well as fabulous country furniture, home decor, gifts, and great western clothing.

Our talented models featured, Maureen’s gorgeous daughters, her handsome son-in-law, and the ever so lovely Mila.

They all got to wear the cool western duds, pose on the rustic furniture, and of course, model Maureen’s beautiful jewelry.

Fashion photography is not my main area of focus, but this shoot was so much fun, and I just love the country and western look! It’s always good to expand one’s horizons, and try new things. Working in the rather close environment of the Gallery was a bit of a challenge for me. The Gallery itself is large, but I did not want to move or interfere with the displays or merchandise, and I certainly did not want to have my equipment damage anything. But in the end, I loved the final images we came up with from this fashion shoot.

And I absolutely love Maureen’s bold, and stunning jewelry designs, where each piece is unique and handcrafted.

handcrafted Jewelry

Country and Western Fashion Shoot Country and Western Fashion Country and Western Fashion Southwestern Style Handcrafted Jewelry Southwestern Style Handcrafted Jewelry Southwestern Style Handcrafted Jewelry Western Fashion Shoot American Southwest Jewelry

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