Fine art botanicals

Christmas Cactus Study-My Thursday Afternoon Creativity Boost

Yesterday was Hump Day, and all week I’ve had a bit of the winter doldrums. The recent chinook was lovely, but then followed by some cold, coupled with bitter winds, it only reminds us that spring is still a distant dream.

As I was wishing for spring this afternoon, I noticed my Christmas Cactus had one bloom on it. Backlit by the sun, it was a lovely bit of nature inside my house. A bit of spring, in the heart of winter. I decided to bust out of my mood, and give this lonely blossom a bit of attention.

Almost everyone I know, who has houseplants, has a Christmas Cactus. They are quite easy to grow, and although mine are taking awhile to get established, I know eventually I’ll be rewarded with bountiful flowers at least once a year, in the winter.

I’ve always loved macro flower photography. I love exploring all of the delicate details of each part of the flower, the sheer petals, the curve of the anthers and filaments, and then looking for a way to make all those beautiful parts into an abstract artistic image.

I’m happy with this afternoon’s creativity boost, and rewarded by the images I produced from it.

I hope whatever your creative passion is, you’ll indulge in it this week, and let it lift your spirits.

fine art botanicals fine art botanicals flower photographer Fine art botanicals

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