Valentine’s Baby Kisses

Yesterday was Baby K’s six month old photo shoot, in his year long series of Watch Me Grow portraits. With Valentine’s Day coming up soon it was only fitting to have a Valentines themed portrait shoot.

Baby K’s lovely and very talented mother built the kissing booth prop for us to use for our on-location photo shoot at their home in Millarville. She’s so creative, and she did a wonderful job indeed, ensuring that her son’s Valentines portrait was extra fun.

Big Sister S gave it a test run as we checked the lighting. I just love her expression as she’s waiting for a kiss.

Valentines Kids Portriats

Baby K is definitely a heart stealer, as he mans the kissing booth.

Valentine's Baby Portriats

I absolutely love this priceless expression on Baby K’s face as mom goes to plant one on him.

Valentines Baby Portriats

Once our Valentines mini session was over we headed upstairs for some lifestyle portraits, and candid portraits, of Baby K, and his family.

Dad makes a great acrobat swing for Baby K, and he just loves to swing in dad’s arms.

Candid Baby Portraits Lifestyle Baby Portraits

Big sister loves to cuddle, and look after her brother.

Sibling Portraits

Baby K actually stayed awake for some family portraits, this time around.

Kayden6Mths-159 Lifestyle family portraits

One thing is for sure, Baby K is growing up fast, as children do. It’s been so rewarding to capture some of his special moments thus far, during his first year.

I’m looking forward to our next photo shoot just in time for Easter. We’ll see what creativity Baby K’s mom and I can put together to make his first Easter special.

Until then, Happy Valentines Day, and enjoy those baby kisses:)

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9 − four =

Action Photography Captures from Sunday Funday

I’m a bit behind on my blogging, as it’s been a busy past few weeks. Several evenings of  Hockey Portraits for the Pond Hockey League in Black Diamond, volunteer responsibilities, helping with the kids at school, and a suddenly, albeit briefly, sick boy have kept me hopping. So on Sunday, the gorgeous temperatures meant it was the perfect day to relax, and spend time together as a family, at our home near Millarville.

We enjoyed a lovely day around the campfire, complete with hot dogs, and chips. As most of the snow is gone, we had to look for other activities for the kids to enjoy. One of their favourite things to do is ride their quad around, and since it was warm enough, they were able to enjoy this favourite activity in January. And of course, it made for some excellent candid photos, and action photos, as I captured their love of motorsports.

Brodie is getting to be quite a good rider. I know he’s having fun, but he has such an intense look of concentration when he’s driving the quad, as you can see in these photos.

Sports action photography

I love the look of pure joy on David’s face, as he holds on tight, loving to go for a ride!

candid kids portraits

Kids action photography

I love how the snow spraying up adds to the overall drama, and fun of these action photos. I captured some with a fast shutter speed to freeze all this action, and then I slowed my shutter speed right down, and practiced panning, so I could capture the sense of motion in the images. I really like both effects, and I’m glad I captured some of each style.

kids action photography

kids sports photography

I’m really making a point of trying to take photographs daily. The kids are enjoying having all of their fun moments captured. Now, at some point, we’ll need to get them into print:)


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+ 8 = nine

Our Week in Pictures-Snow Days

As this is my first blog of the New Year, I wish everyone the very best for 2015!

I’ve decided to step up my game this year, and attempt a 365 project-daily shooting. I already shoot a lot of course, but as we all know, more practice equals improved skill.

I’ll be sharing the best of each weeks’ images, and the stories behind them, here on my blog.

My undertaking feels a wee bit daunting right now. What am I going to photograph every single day? I’ll have to see where this project takes me creatively. My boys, of course, are a constant source of inspiration. We are surrounded by amazing natural beauty, that inspires, as it changes with the weather, and seasons. And then there’s life, with the everyday, the ordinary, and the extraordinary. I shouldn’t run out of inspiration:)

Without further explanation, here are this weeks’ pics.

Like any born and raised Canadian family, our family enjoys getting out in the winter. A little cold doesn’t bother us, and there are many fun winter activities we enjoy together. After school fun in the snow is an afternoon ritual.

Rosy cheeks, snowflakes on eyelashes, and building a snowman make winter fun and magical.

Kids winter Portratis


When it wasn’t snowing quite hard enough for Brodie, he’d throw snow up in the air, and sing “let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.”


children's winter portraits


The boys and I are rather proud of our handsome snowman. The kids wondered if he might come to life when we put his magic hat on. They couldn’t agree on a name for him. Brodie thinks his name should be Frosty, and I have to agree that he does look like a Frosty. But David insists that his name is Olaf. Since the release of the movie Frozen, in his mind, all snowmen are Olaf. So the kids gave our snowman warm hugs.


kids winter portraits snowman portrait child's portrait with snowman

Today is cold and snowing again, so our snowman will actually last for awhile, rather than melting in a week long Chinook.

What snowy adventure will we have after school today?

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+ 8 = twelve

Magical Christmas Portraits of a Baby and his Family

Yesterday was Baby K’s Four Month Old Portrait Session for his Watch Me Grow series of Baby Portraits. And of course, Christmas was our central theme.

I set up my portable studio at this family’s home in Millarville, AB. I love being able to bring my studio to my clients, especially when young babies and children are involved. It allows them get all the rest they need, minimizing the need to interrupt their schedule, and keep to their normal routine. This was especially important yesterday, as both Baby K, and his sister,  were a bit under the weather, with seasonal colds.

It was a pretty challenging session, both technically, and working with Baby K. I wanted to create a very magical, Christmasy feel to the images. Trying to balance the light levels to incorporate sparkling Christmas lights, as well as properly exposing everyone, and trying to work with a sick baby, kept me on my toes. But I love a challenge, and creating memorable, keepsake images is always worth the effort!

Baby K’s first set of portraits features him in a special hat made from the fur of their beloved family pet. These images are so special, as his sister was photographed in the same hat when she was a baby.

Holiday Baby Portraits Christmas Baby Portraits

Big Sister S was a good sport as always and proudly held her little brother for some portraits.

sibling baby portraits

As a reward, she was treated to a Portrait of herself in her Elsa dress, giving Olaf a warm hug.

Elsa dress portrait

And what could be better, or more special, than a classic holiday Family Portrait in front of the Christmas Tree?

Christmas Family Portrait

I absolutely love this holiday portrait of Baby K as he naps by the Christmas Tree! A very special moment to treasure.

Christmas Baby Portrait

To Baby K and his lovely family, thank you so much for the honour of capturing Baby K’s first moments and milestones. I wish your family a very wonderful holiday season, and I look forward to working with you and capturing more portraits of Baby K in the New Year!

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9 + six =

Let It Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow…

Today was our annual, “Let’s try to get a decent winter portrait of you boys in time for Christmas”, kids portrait session, with my boys. It was a gorgeous wintery day, with perfect conditions, at my home studio near Millarville, so we went outside to make the most of it.

Beautiful, fluffy, fat snowflakes, and warm temperatures, made for excellent portrait taking conditions.

Then it was just a matter of trying to find some outdoor winter clothing suitable for a Christmas portrait:)

The boys were cooperative models, but mostly I just let them do their own thing, and be themselves, allowing for some fun, candid portraits.

Winter Kids Portraits Kids Christmas Portraits

Kids Winter Portraits

Kids Winter Portraits

Kids Winter Portraits

I love these candid portraits of the boys giving each other some brotherly love.

Brotherly Love

After weeks of warm, Chinook weather, the boys were super excited to see snow again. We just hope it stays for Christmas.

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six + = 12

Family Portraits-Warm Moments Captured

Yesterday I had the honour of helping the Littlewood family from Millarville celebrate their family’s special bond, with Family Portraits.

Al and Brigitte celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary this summer, and their extended family very generously gifted them with a Portrait Session, a very wonderful and thoughtful gift.

It was a beautiful fall afternoon to spend together at their lovely home.

We captured some great moments of Al, Brigitte, their daughter Kelly, and even Mocha the Cat.

I so enjoyed spending time with this very warm family. I admire their closeness, and smiled inwardly at the mother-daughter banter that went on throughout our session.

Al and Brigitte, Thank you so much for having me capture some portraits of your lovely family. Enjoy your sneak peek!

Millarville Family Portraits

Individual candid portraits

Mother daughter portraits

Anniversary portraits

father daughter portraits

Millarville Family Portraits


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− two = 4

Watch Me Grow-Two Month Old Baby Portrait Session

Yesterday was Baby K’s Two Month Old-Watch Me Grow Session. How quickly two months have passed, and Baby K has grown a lot already since his Newborn Session.

It was a gorgeous fall day here in the Foothills, with the autumn colors in their full glory, the perfect day for our on-location session in Millarville. Baby K’s mom understandably wanted to incorporate autumn and Thanksgiving into his portraits. Gathering a bit of inspiration from Pinterest, she provided the pumpkin props for these portraits. Their neighbor, whose yard is gorgeous, happily agreed to allow us to shoot in her yard, and make use of the beautiful shrubbery and foliage.

We set up the props, and I shot fast, as Baby K was not too sure about being plunked into a pumpkin. He was a good sport for several minutes, allowing me to get some great shots of him, and a few with Big Sister S, before deciding that he really was not happy about the whole pumpkin thing.

Fall Baby Portraits Fall Baby Portraits Sibling Baby Portraits


After he made up his mind that he was not happy, we had a hard time getting him to be happy again. He did co-operate for a few family portraits, before deciding it was all too much. He really just wanted to cuddle, and have a nap. Since babies really do run the show:) we of course let him have his way. I tagged along to get some nice lifestyle images of Baby K, enjoying his nap and cuddles.

Happy Thanksgiving Baby K and family. We promise not to put you into any more pumpkins:)


Family Baby Portraits candid baby portraits


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four − 2 =

Sweet Senior Session

Wednesday evening’s session with Kristen was a lot of fun. We captured some on location Senior’s Portraits of her, on her parent’s ranch located in the foothills, between Bragg Creek, and Millarville.

This red haired beauty was totally in her element, as we hiked around the ranch, climbing onto bales, opening cattle gates, ducking through barbed wire fences, and visiting the horses-she is very much a county girl at heart. With her love of animals, the outdoors, her shy sense of humour, and down-to-earth demeanour, Kristen is a real pleasure to work with.

As such, we focused on capturing natural, county girl portraits of Kristen. I was grateful for her mom’s assistance as she hung out with us, offering suggestions, holding my reflector, and bringing out Kristen’s best smiles, by making her laugh.

Kristen is in her Graduating year of High School. I’m hoping her Senior Portraits will be for her, a great way to celebrate this time and place in her life. A way to celebrate her quiet confidence, and pay tribute to how her outer beauty matches her inner beauty.

I’m hoping Kristen’s Portraits will inspire other High School Seniors to celebrate their uniqueness, and this amazing, special year of their life, with a custom Seniors Session-Tailored just for them.


Okotoks Grad High School Seniors Session Kristen_G-73tw Kristen_G-166 Kristen_G-249tw2 Okotoks Grad High School Seniors Session

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+ three = 12

A Gift of Gold

Here’s a little sneak peek from yesterday’s Family Portrait session taken around my home studio, near Millarville, AB.

Melissa and Doug, and their three great kids joined me for an absolutely beautiful evening of fall photography in the foothills.

All of us thoroughly enjoyed the warm fall sun, the brilliant colors, and the mesmerizing mountain views. Our photo shoot took us for a bit of a hike, as we explored several great spots in the area, allowing us to make the most of the scenery, and take in a variety of views.

The kids were troupers as they endured encounters with a red ant, a spider, and our excitable 7 month old puppy.

We kept our session going right until the last golden rays of sunlight gave us their gift of magical light.


Millarville Family Portraits Millarville Family Portraits Peters-119tw Foothills Family Portraits Foothills Family Portraits

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nine × 4 =

Elbow Falls Engagement Session

This weeks’ Throwback Thursday takes us back a few years ago to a beauty of an engagement session, with Nick and Amanda, at Elbow Falls, west of Bragg Creek, AB, one of everyones’ favourite destinations in the Kananaskis country.

It was a lovely late fall day, and the cooling spray from the falls was refreshing, as we explored the rugged scenery.

Nick and Amanda were not shy about posing for portraits on the edge of the rocks above the falls, allowing me to capture some great images of them in this breathtaking landscape.

Using my 80-200 mm Nikon lens, I was able to compress the landscape a bit, and achieve images that captured Nick and Amanda in this big scene.

Unfortunately, as I was capturing these engagement portraits, my lens hood, which never did secure properly to my lens, fell off into the falls, never to be seen again:(


Amanda_Nick_044TW Amanda_Nick_051BW Elbow Falls Engagement Portriats


Once we were finished at Elbow Falls, we then drove back to my home studio, near Millarville, AB, for a few motorcycle themed portraits.

Nick owns Navntoft Motorsports in Black Diamond, AB, and had a friend loan him a cool vintage motorcycle for some pictures. My long, curving driveway was the perfect spot to capture some motorcycle action, as Nick and Amanda rode the bike up and down for some great action sequences. The neighbour dogs, along with their own dog, joined in the fun.

We then captured a few more portraits with the bike, and included their dog, that they’d had together for several years.


Engagement Portraits with vintage motorcycle Engagement Portraits with vintage motorcycle


We continued to shoot right into the “golden hour” which is the best light for portraits. Clients are always rewarded when they stick it out until nearly sunset.


Foothills Engagement Portriats Foothills Engagement Portriats

An engagement session is the perfect way for a couple to get to know me, and what its like to work with me, before their wedding day. My Wedding Collections include your Engagement Portrait session, as a great value added feature. If you’ve just got engaged, and you’re planning your Wedding for next year, I’l love to capture some fun, casual, and romantic images for you!

I had the honour of photographing Nick and Amanda’s wedding the following summer. Thanks for the fun guys, and I know you’re both living “happily ever after”.


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six + = 14